If you are a Christian, you probably already know the importance of Jesus dying on the cross and raising from the dead as the only perfect sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sin. *If you are not familiar with Christian doctrine, please see the * below for more information. However, in imperfect human relationships many people think that forgiveness is only good for the one receiving the forgiveness. This is missing an important piece of the equation. Forgiveness is also a gift to YOU:
When you forgive someone (or yourself):
1) You open up your heart to release bitterness.
2) You can move on.
3) You are not mentally or emotionally tied into spending your energy focusing on the person who hurt you.
4) You are taking action in line with God's desire for you and others....to be released from further pains caused by sin.
5) You can be sure that the next time you need someone's forgiveness, you are not being hypocritical.
God designed forgiveness for our own benefit as well as that of others.
What are you holding onto that is producing the fruits of bitterness, anger, revenge, hatred, and mental and emotional anguish in you?
May you offer that person, that situation, that comment, that action, that WHATEVER, to God to find your own sense of peace and release from personal bondage to past baggage
* The importance of Jesus dying on the cross and raising from the dead is the only perfect sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins.and atonement for the forgiveness of our sins.....in other words, His sacrifice enables each of us to gain HIS forgiveness and sin covering so that when a person will confess with his or her mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in his/her heart hat God raised Jesus from the dead, we can each be saved. If you aren't sure you are forgiven by Christ, confess your sins to Him and ask Him to cleanse you from them, invite Him into your life, and live for Him.....you will never be the same! Contact me at: marriagegalmichelle@gmail.com if you would like help in understanding this further or for us to pray for you; we would be honored to do so. .