Great marriages are a lot of good, hard work. This is not because love isn't powerful enough to overcome bad odds, but because Love IS WORTH the effort!
Diligent care in the everyday matters and personal choices that we live out will ultimately make the difference between success and failure in a marriage.
The good news: each seemingly insignificant day of new, healthy choices and actions can turn into a very significant turn-around for your marriage.....your marriage can go from mediocrity or headed to divorce to the most wonderful intimacy you have ever known with another person......all by the choices that you and your husband or wife make each day as to how you will treat each other.
So many people "keep a record of the wrongs" that their spouse has done to them. The Bible says that that is not what LOVE does. 1 Corinthians 13, aka..."The Love Chapter," says that "Love keeps no record of wrongs."
This doesn't mean that we are to just forgive and forget. Forgiving is necessary, but "forgetting" is not really helpful to a marriage if the matter at hand has not been resolved between the husband and wife. When appropriate skills are not employed and appropriate actions/repentance are not a part of the equation, it is often just a matter of time before the same "root" issue is displayed again in the marriage. Pulling out the roots of the bad things growing in your marriage bed, (no pun intended....I was seriously thinking gardening-type flower bed!) must take place before the choice to "forget" is the most beneficial for each spouse and the marriage.