Saturday, June 2, 2012

Seek Ye First...

We all carry a lot on our shoulders each day.  There are always meals to make, clothes to clean, and a myriad of other "to-do" items on our agendas.  So, for Day 2 of 30 days of posting on growing for God, Home, Health, and Work, I want to share about something that I have found to be a great help to me when I feel overwhelmed with house duties, homemaking, homeschooling, and the juggle of it all with work and the need to eat right. 

Wow, just that sentence makes me feel overwhelmed!   

I have decided to take God's Word as truth, and as such, I have found that practicing Matthew 6:33, which tells us to seek God's kingdom first and all these things shall be added unto us, is very helpful to getting the day off to a great start and keeping it going along well. 

What this often looks like in our household is me choosing a Bible verse to share with the kids, saying a prayer for the day, and praying for my husband.  It has also been me crying out to God that I need Him to show me what to do, because I am overwhelmed and don't know where to start.

While I don't always remember to start the day right, or more likely, something calls for my attention before I even get a chance to get out of bed, I have found that the days that I dedicate to God through prayer, and ask for His direction in living, are the days when I am most relaxed, accomplished, and peaceful.

Maybe this is something you already do?  But, if not, I hope it inspires you to give it a try!  God's Word is a great place to learn how to take care of ourselves, our lives, our homes, and our families!